Club Trip App (a product of JEFFREYM CONSULTING LLC)

Privacy Policy

Last Updated on 19th Sep, 2022

This Privacy Policy describes Club Trip App’s process regarding the collection, use and disclosure of the information we collect from and about you when you use Club Trip App’s website and mobile applications (the “Service”). We take our commitment regarding your privacy seriously and have made this Privacy Policy clear and easy for you to understand. By accessing or using the Service, you agree to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

Information You Provide to Us

We collect personal identification information, such as your name, email address, when you register for an account on the Service. Your user name, email address and any optional information that you select to connect with your Club Trip App account is referred to herein as your “Profile Information”.

We may use your email address to send you Service-related notices (including any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail).

Even if you are not a registered user of our Service, if you email or call us we may retain a record of such email or call communication, including your email address, phone number (mobile and landline), the content of your email, the call conversation and our response. If you choose to use our Share app service to invite your friend or colleague or business partner or customer or supplier to our Service, we will ask you for that person’s contact information, which may include their email address and automatically send an invitation to them. Club Trip App stores the invite information to register the user if your invite is accepted and to track the progress.

Your Content

Your use of our Service will involve you adding or uploading various content into the Service; including but not limited to: trip details, transportation, accommodation, activities, events, etc. (together, the “Content”). You control how your Content is shared with others through your settings on the Service. Club Trip App may view your Content only as necessary (i) to maintain, provide and improve the Service; (ii) to resolve a support request from you; (iii) if we have received a complaint alleging, that such Content is in violation of our Terms and Policy.

Information We Collect Automatically

We collect information directly from you when you register on our website. We also collect information if you ask us a question through phone, email or other contact channel. We also use tracking tools like Google Analytics, Google Webmaster, browser cookies and web beacons for collecting information about your usage of our website.

Device IdentifiersWhen you access the Service using your registered email address, we collect specific device information contained in your mobile devices “device identifier or mobile IDs.” This device identifier or mobile IDs includes information such as the type of device you are using, its operating system, and mobile network information, which may also include your registered email address. We may associate this device identifier or mobile IDs with your Service account and will use data connected with your device identifier to customize our Services to your device and to analyze any device-related issues.

Location InformationWe may collect and process information about the location of the device from which you are accessing the Service. Location data may transmit information about how you browse the Service and may be used in with your personal information. You can disable location based services connected with the Service; please be aware that some features of the Service may not function properly if location services are turned off.

Log FilesWhen you use the Service, our servers will automatically record certain information(s) in server logs. These may include information such as your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type and settings, referring / exit pages and URLs, number of clicks and how you interact with links on the Service, domain names, landing pages, pages viewed, mobile carrier, date and time stamp information and other such information. Log files help us to monitor, analyze, improve and maintain the Service and to diagnose and fix any Service-related issues.

Our Cookie Policy

Club Trip App uses cookie and tracking technology to provide, improve, protect and promote our Services. We may use cookie to remember your registered email address when you return to the Service and to understand how you are interacting with our Service and improving them based on that information. You may disable or block cookies by adjusting your browser preferences at any time; but please be aware that some features of the Service may not function properly if cookies are disable. We may utilize third-party service providers to provide us with analytics services. These parties may utilize cookies or similar technologies to gather information about your browsing activities over time and across different websites following your use of the Service.

How We Share Your Information

Your personal information added as Profile information, will be shown in your profile screen and on other places in accordance to the Service with preference you set in your account. We may display your Content within the Service as directed by you. We may utilize trusted third-party service providers to assist us in delivering, improving, protecting and promoting our Service. For example, we may use third-parties to help host our Service, send out email or perform analyses related to the operation of our Service. We may also store personal information in locations outside the direct control of Club Trip App (for instance, on servers or databases co-located with hosting providers). We may disclose your information to our legal counsel, governmental authorities or law enforcement if we believe that it is reasonably necessary to do so in order to adhere with a law or regulation; to protect the safety of any person; to address fraud, security or technical issues; or to protect Club Trip App’s rights or property.

How We Protect Your Information

Club Trip App has strict security measures which will protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Whenever you change or access your account information, we offer the use of a secure server. Once your information is in our possession we adhere to strict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorized access. If you have any questions about security on our Service, you can contact us at

Risks Inherent in Sharing Information

We allow you control over where and how you share your Content and what information is included in your Profile and take reasonable steps to maintain the security and privacy of the information connected with your account, please be aware that no security measures are perfect or impervious. If other users with whom you decide to share your Content and we are not responsible for third party evasion of any privacy settings or security measures on the Service.

Your Choices About Your Information

You may decline to provide us personal information through the Service, in which case Club Trip App may not be able to provide certain services to you. You have a right to access information we hold about you. You may update or correct your account information at any time by logging in to your Club Trip App account with your registered email address. For questions or inquiries regarding the correction or deletion of your personal information on the Service you may contact us at

Links to Other Platforms

Club Trip App app links to other platform that may collect personally identifiable information about you. Club Trip App is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of those linked platforms.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is subjected to change any time without any notification send to you. If we change or revise our Privacy Policy, we will post all the changes on this Privacy Policy page and all the changes will be effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

For questions about these or any Club Trip App terms or policies, email us at